Crypto Portfolio Tracker

Crypto Portfolio Profit/Loss

This dashboard combines API Keys from cryptocurrency exchanges, and uses them to track Profit and Loss against an initial coin investment.
Why did i make this?
1. To learn how to use API keys to access and interact with live timeseries data like stock prices and crypto prices.
2. I have an Excel version of this portfolio, and i wanted to migrate it to PowerBI so i can view it online.

How did i make this? - The Basic Setup
1. Use Coingecko API to get coin current price, and Cryptowatch API to get a live timeseries of crypto prices for the cryptochart
2. Load the APIs into Power Query and Transform then data into format needed.
3. Load a flat file that contains initial coin investments. This is the only manual part that needs to be updated each time you make a new transaction
4. Create a connection in between flat file and crypto price tables.
5. Create visuals.
6. Upload final report to PowerBI Service and set up automated refresh schedule (every 24 hours)

There is a lot of custom M code that makes this report dynamic and automated in addition to the "Basic Setup". An example is an "invoked custom function". I will release a webinar tutorial on this topic in the future.